Cornerstone Apartments Kitchen and Bathroom Cabinetry and Countertop Remodeling
Specialist in Renovation, Remodeling, and Restoration for Apartments, Multi-Family Residences and Hotels

Cornerstone Apartments features new millwork, cabinetry, and granite-style laminate countertops for kitchens and bathrooms in 270 apartment units.
View the Before and After photos to see the added value a Bonier Cabinetry and Countertop Remodeling adds to your property.


  • Fresh new look to overhead and sink area cabinets and countertop.

    Over the counter view of stove and refrigerator cabinets with brushed hardward, windowpane doors, and granite-styled countertops.

    Very attractively remodled bathroom cabinet and sink featuring granite-style laminate countertop and back splash on a refaced cabinet repainted with a high gloss white enamel finish.

    The Cornerstone Apartment renovation achieved a new elegance for the apartment owners and tenants. Old, wear-worn laminate countertops and white particle board doors were removed. The counter and cabinets were then resurfaced and refinished. New granite laminate countertops and raised-panel doors with brushed aluminum knobs were added to give a distinctive and refreshing revitalized look to the kitchens and bathrooms.


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