Boiner Carpentry, Millwork, Cabinerty, Countertops, and Furniture Manufacturing for Hotel Remodeling and Renovation.
Specialist in Renovation, Remodeling, and Restoration for Apartments, Multi-Family Residences and Hotels

Holiday Inn Express features millwork, carpentry, and granite for registration desks, custom dividers in guest rooms and common areas, and bathroom cabinets and countertops in guest rooms throughout the hotel.


  • Hotel Reception Desk contruction using wood capentry, millwork, and finishing, and granite countertops, custom tile facing, and decorative accent lighting installtion to form an open, personalize reception for guests.

    Hotel Registration Counters constructed in wood, granite and mosaic tile present a stylish, professional yet comfortable greeting for hotel guests.

  • Skillfully crafted and constructed individual reception desk accentuates the relaxed, casual yet professional atmosphere the hotel affords their business guests. Bonier's quality carpentry and millwork creates a comfortable environment for guests through custom-finished wood and frosted glass dividers and shelving for hotel lobby.

    Sectional screens featuring soft-brown stained and satin-finished wood with frosted glass create private areas with style within hotel guest rooms.

    Custom wood and glass room dividers by Bonier enable owners to provide guests personal space within guest room.


© 2016 Bonier Furniture Manufacturing